My beloved one of them!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Exclusively.At.LaFashionelle: Ismini.Papavlasopoulou

Ismini Papavlasopoulou. She is a Greek Top Model who is mainly focusing on her international career. Well, she actually already has one.Ismini has been travelling around the world and she has walked on the catwalks of many famous designers such as Rebecca Minkoff and Betsey Johnson!
The F/W 2011-12 presentation period went extremely well for her. She participated in seven (7) fashion shows at New York's Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week and five (5)  fashion shows at London's Fashion Week.
Need to say more?

Well, she's definitely got the looks. Looking at her, you can easily realize she was made to be a model. She is really tall (1, 80m  FYI), she has a beautifully-shaped thin body, healthy  long dark brown hair and she has a beautiful yet so charming face. She seems to be so elegant, calm and mysterious at the same time. The way she walks on the catwalks is unique, she seems to have  her own personal style. But the most important is that she is a very kind person. At least, this is the feeling she gave me while getting in touch through our e-mails.

Ismini was kind enough to asnwer to some of my questions. Let's read her thoughts on modeling e.t.c.

*You have a successfull international modeling career so far. What are the chances given to Greek models when searching abroad for work? I mean, how hard is it to succeed in the international fashion field?
To succeed as a model in the international field is a result of many different factors.It is hard work and a lot of patience and of course luck and good connections.Connections are always welcome and very much appreciated!There are many models who try for a successful career for years and after one or two good jobs and a lot of promotion from the agencies they create a new path on their careers.But generally,you have to be very strong and be well with yourself,this is number if you want to work as an international model.As for the Greeks who travel , we're not so many , so every time you say that you're from Greece you hear good comments and interest about the country etc.A good way to start a mini conversation !

*Which is your strongest characteristic/asset as a model?
From the comments i have heard from clients i believe it is my profile and my legs the strongest characteristics.
And i usually get a lot of work in shows , so i am guessing it has something to do with how i walk or the body structure ..

* You are lucky enough to wear all these beautiful clothes on the catwalk. What is your style in everyday life? Do you like wearing brands, luxury items e.t.c.?
It is a great pleasure to wear brands and beautiful clothes in your work , take a little taste of how the good fabrics and designs feel , but i have to say you need a lot of money to be wearing brands everyday.And when i say brands i don't mean t-shirts with the logo !!
So , like many other models , i am liking the mix&match game.Some nice luxury pieces and some vintage , high end clothing.As for the style , i just go with the mood and of course the current city style.Something fashionable in London might feel to much in Athens.

* Tell me your biggest challenge you had to face so far in modeling and that you managed to overcome.
The biggest challenge would be....the traveling.It is a love to hate relationship.You love it cause it gives you the experience you need for work , the strength , the new ideas , scenery , people etc and you hate it for the loneliness , never having a stable place to call home and always have to make new friends.
I don't think i will be able to overcome this ...But i am trying to see the good side of it !

* What are your thoughts on Greek Fashion Bloggers? Could they have an impact on Greek fashion world?
I am not very familiar with the fashion bloggers in general.I know some international who are very well known as i have seen them in shows , and one or two fashion blogs in Greece.
I believe that Greek fashion has a long way to go in terms of bloggers , designers etc.
We need as a country to be heard, since not a lot of people are familiar with our designers & fashion people.It is not something that can be changed over a night , but i want to believe that at some point we could become a city to visit for fashion week.
Good luck to all and keep up the good work !

I would like to personally thank Ismini Papavlasopoulou for taking the time to answer to my questions! That means a lot to me! I wish all the best to come in her way really soon and I hope for a long lasting international career 'cause she deserves it!

photos: tfs

Interview by LaFashionelle (please credit with a link back, if you wish to reproduce part of the interview)

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